Spring 2025!
NCT is proud to announce our Spring 2025 Production! We will be trying a different format and hope you enjoy this one-time change. Instead of a full length play, you will enjoy topically-related vignettes. Instead of a typical entree dinner, you will enjoy a different selection of appetizers during each interlude. SAVE THE DATES: April 4, 5, 11, and 12, 2025
Margaret Dennis and Valerie Ewers are producing and directing. Assistants include Susan Melfi, Charlotte Dockins, Donna Blanchard, Nancy Lybarger, and Michelle Wathen.
Dustin Deisher
Lara Goldey
Jed Hutson
Nancy Matlock-Rairdon
J Ritzman
Jacob Smith
Cathy Van Horne
Addie Vazquez
Reunited Shorts is an evening of theatre comprised of six unique short plays about reunions. They are about the awkward, humorous and emotional experience of humans coming together … again.
The play, by Len Cuthbert, is produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company, Inc, of Woodstock, Illinois.